Archive of ‘Relationship Coaching’ category

Couples Who Fight Smart Love Longer!

Playful Couple

Is it possible to be in a long-term, intimate relationship and never argue or fight? Of course not. And that’s not the goal, or even what’s needed to have a secure and happy relationship or marriage. In fact, couples who fight smart love longer.  Couples who learn how to intentionally manage conflict, end up with […] Read more…

5 Helpful Things To Do If Your Partner Suffers From Anxiety

5 Helpful Things To Do If Your Partner Suffers From Anxiety

First of all, I want to acknowledge that if your partner suffers from anxiety, you are probably suffering, too. When you’re tightly woven together as a couple, if something uncomfortable is happening within your partner, you will also be affected. The good news is that because of this same interconnectedness, you are in a unique […] Read more…

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